Yamas and Niyamas, The Gunas, Yoga and Pregnancy
Kelly Heath is a certified senior Janet Stone and senior Baptiste yoga teacher, 500 ERYT++, Shiva Rea certified pre and postnatal teacher, former studio owner and devoted mama.
Her more formal yoga training took a natural course. As a college athlete in Texas, she dabbled in yoga. Her early adult years took her to Colorado where she took the very first ever CorePower Yoga teacher training in 2002. From there, she spent a decade training, studying and teaching alongside Baron Baptiste. During this ten years, she also opened a successful yoga studio in Vail, CO and supplemented her training with a regular Anusara practice with Jamie Turner Allison, Shiva Rea’s prenatal training, AcroYoga training, Thai Massage training, and a variety of amazing teachers and disciplines including Dharma Mittra, John Friend, Douglas Brooks, Deepak Chopra, John Doulliard, Saul David Ray and Rusty Wells just to name a few that opened her aperture in many different ways.
Nothing changed her practice and teaching as much as becoming a mother more than 9 years ago, and then again four years later after her second baby boy. Her passion within the practice lies in: studying the 5 Great Elements (Maha Pancha Bhutas), the great path of devotion (Bhakti) and energetic alignment through the 5 Great Vayus (Pancha Vayus) through asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, meditation and how these practices provide a window into ourselves that help us transform our life.
Over the last 16 years, she has nurtured her own deep, personal practice, which has become her life’s passion to offer back out. She aspires not to teach but to allow the practice to emanate from her, letting awareness blend with movement and breath. She is currently enrolled in Janet Stone’s 1008 training module, and also trains teachers, leads immersions, holds workshops and more. www.kellyheath.com. Kelly is an ambassador at both Drishti and Manduka and a former Lululemon ambassador and Yoga Journal Conference presenter.