Emma Patrick

Emma Patrick

Since I was a young girl, I have had movement at the center of my life. I spent many years as a competitive gymnast and runner and countless summer hours waterskiing, kayaking, and swimming. This enthusiastic passion for play led me to an undergraduate study of Exercise Science, and later to become a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I have been facilitating movement experiences for 12 years and continue to deepen my embodiment through personal exploration and facilitation of both private and public movement classes.

It was through this portal of external movement and physicality that I found myself fascinated with something much deeper: the subtle body. This curiosity led me down a path of self study and into the expansive realm of energy work. Here I found a strong resonance with Reiki, as both a receiver and facilitator.

Blending these two healing modalities, moving the physical body, while also tapping into the more subtle, quiet spaces through Reiki, has harmonized into my unique offerings of attunement and becoming.

Categories: Teachers